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can you provide markup for the builtin grammars?

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 12:32 pm
by kmanley
Hi, would it be possible to get the markup for your builtin grammars? I am trying to figure out their capabilities through trial and error but it would be easier if I could simply look at how the grammars are specified. Thanks, Kevin

builtin IVR grammars are hardcoded into speech rec engine

Posted: Tue Apr 04, 2006 4:58 pm
by support
These builtin IVR grammars are hardcoded into the speech rec engine itself so, as such, there is no markup available for your perusal. If you can describe the behavior that you would like to achieve as well as the builtin IVR grammars that you have tried, we can help you resolve any IVR issues that you may have or, at the very least, provide advice as to how a particular builtin IVR grammar should be used.