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Submit Expression

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2015 1:10 pm
by johnmoore330
i have a dynamically generated script that validates with the validator however when it runs a symantec error is returned. I suspect that the issue has to do with the submit and evaluating the expression that generates the posted URL. Upon dialing in, I am prompted for and enter my user and password then hear the please wait. The gateway script also performs a submit but with a get using the same expr= syntax and does not fail. My best guess is that it is related to the nomatch/noinput but unsure best alternative for syntax as this worked in another vendors 2.1 configuration.

I have wireshark and can see that inboundLogin is never passed. I also have debugger set at entry points and the post is also never seen (pretty obvious if WS doesn't see it).

other than the addition of the ;jsessionid= to the URL's the script is as follows

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<vxml version="2.0">

<var name="sessionId" expr="" />
<var name="parentSessionId" expr="" />
<var name="outboundId" expr="1" />

<var name="callBackHost" expr="''" />

<var name="CSRFToken" expr="'f10a536e-39f2-4d75-8222-152d618267a2'" />

<property name="fetchtimeout" value="60s" />
<property name="inputmodes" value="dtmf" />
<property name="timeout" value="60s" />
<property name="termtimeout" value="0s" />
<property name="interdigittimeout" value="2s" />
<property name="termchar" value="#" />

<catch event="connection.disconnect.hangup">
<log expr="'********** connection.disconnect.hangup: record hangup, disconnect session'"/>
<log expr="'********** outboundId ' + outboundId + ' **********'" />
<if cond="outboundId == undefined">
<submit expr="callBackHost + '/ivr/init/hangup'" method="get" namelist="sessionId" />
<log expr="'********** Detected VXML hang up event for outbound line, relying on CCXML. **********'" />
<exit />
<catch event="error.telephone.disconnect">
<log expr="'********** error.telephone.disconnect: record hangup, disconnect session'"/>
<submit expr="callBackHost + '/ivr/init/disconnect'" method="get" namelist="sessionId" />
<exit />
<catch event="cancel">
<log expr="'********** cancel: record hangup, disconnect session'"/>
<submit expr="callBackHost + '/ivr/init/cancel'" method="get" namelist="sessionId" />
<exit />



Welcome to T S G DEVELOPMENT GERM Work force tele-staff.

<field name="userId" type="digits">
<break time="700ms" />
Enter your ID and press the pound key

<catch event="noinput">
I'm sorry, I didn't hear anything
<catch event="nomatch">
Option not found, please try again.

<field name="password" type="digits">
<break time="700ms" />
Enter your PIN and press the pound key

<catch event="noinput">
I'm sorry, I didn't hear anything
<catch event="nomatch">
Option not found, please try again.

<filled namelist="userId password" mode="all">
<goto nextitem="messageAndSubmit" />

<field name="messageAndSubmit">
<property name="timeout" value="0s"/>
Please Wait.

<submit expr="callBackHost+'/ivr/init/inboundLogin'" method="post" namelist="CSRFToken sessionId userId password" />

<submit expr="callBackHost+'/ivr/init/inboundLogin'" method="post" namelist="CSRFToken sessionId userId password" />



Re: Submit Expression

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 10:43 am
by johnmoore330
after reworking the vxml, the solution that evolved was that that theessageAndSubmit field was removed and the containing prompt and submit were moved to the filled area.

Re: Submit Expression

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2015 12:05 pm
by admin

It looks like you were able to find a solution, but please feel free to let us know if you have any further questions we can help you with.

Plum Support